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II. The New Recruit


Mother packs everything that she knows Elis is going to need in his stay in the camp.

Elis woke up early to make sure he won't be late for the ceremony.

"You look all set for your training. But, for the last time, I've been meaning to ask you Elis. Is this really what you want? I could really use your company here at home. You know your father doesn't stay that much at home either. When you start the training, you won't be around here even until you become a soldier."

Elis considers what her mother said. But expected by his mother, his mind is already set.

"Mother, I understand what you will go through when I'm gone. That makes me happy though, 'cause I know how you and father value me."

Mother-"It's as if I lost my only child already, even seeing you would be that difficult. All I can do is hope for a chance to glimpse at your face."

It breaks his heart to see his mother shed a bit of tear down her face. A tear in a time of peace is very unusual. But still, it's there. Even the wisest and greatest man in this Age, can't quite get near to making our society a world without tears.

But resolved in his heart..

Elis-"Mother, this is my way of returning the love you and father have tirelessly showed and given to me. To keep the peace you all have long sought for, and make sure our generation don't lose it."

Both hugged each other as Elys wipes his mother's tear. And bid.. Farewell.

The present peace is secured. But elements outside the rule still creates fear to the future peace the government so hardly won.

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